Should you colour your hair or not? And once you do, how do you avoid the breakage and straw-like hair? Right? These are the flurry of questions that overrun your mind when you see a beautiful plum or burnt blonde hair colour you’d love to try. How do you make this bold colour change without undoing all the hard-earned progress you’ve made growing your hair over the last 6, 12 or 24 months?
Ever wondered what happens to hair strands when you colour your hair?
Well, the two main ingredients that have a direct impact on the process of colouring your hair are the Ammonia and the Peroxide.
First, the Ammonia in the hair dye forces the hair cuticle (the hair’s natural protection) open, once inside it breaks the bonds within the hair making it possible for the Peroxide to do its job. The Peroxide (aka bleach) dissolves and removes your natural colour which allows for the easy delivery of your new colour.
FYI: In the early days, as a “savvy naturalista”, I’d avoid using dyes with ammonia or would opt for types with milder alternatives to ammonia. Well, epic fail! The most I could hope for was to either have a sunburnt brown hair colour or a carrot head! LOL!! So hate it or love it, these two components are key and unavoidable role players in getting that “popping” colour.
Having said that, it’s important to note that this process is very aggressive on the strands as it’s not just a film of colour that lays on top of the strand but this dye actually carries ingredients that have to break the protein bonds in your hair and then remove your existing colour. It’s no wonder that our strands end up frail, brittle, fragile and lacking in elasticity.
Oh but wait, there is hope!! “HOW?” you ask?
Simple! Protein treatments every 2 weeks as part of your daily routine especially over the first 6 to 8 weeks. Thereafter, you can reduce the treatment to about once a month. The True Curls Avo & Shea Deep Conditioning Treatment is gentle and highly effective in penetrating the hair and repairing the now depleted protein bonds within the hair.

In addition to this, you can add an extra egg, two (2) tablespoons of honey and some of the True Curls Growth & Strengthening Oil into the Avo & Shea Deep Conditioning Treatment, mix well and apply to your hair after shampooing. Rinse with warm water after 45 minutes and Voila!!
Wanting to be adventurous with colour shouldn’t be something that creates anxiety. Just buy your True Curls Avo & Shea Deep Conditioning Treatment (R200 usual price) and your colour of choice and Do You!!
Till Next Time,
Team TC!