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Winter Tips with True Curls

Keabetswe Mogapi

Hi Natties. It is that time of the year that I personally love so much; Winter. A time to rock those fur coats, scarves, boots and cuddle up in front of the heater with a pink mink blanket. Oh and let’s not forget how cheap avocado is during this season :) . Hello!

But unfortunately our hair doesn’t thrive during this time. Winter can be horrible to African hair because the weather conditions (winds & cold dry air) tend to be a lot harsher during this season. With this kind of change, naturals need to take extra care of their hair to prevent hair from damage and breakage.

Don’t despair though I’ve got some tips that can save you hair :)

Moisturize hair:

Now I cannot begin to emphasise how much of this your hair is going to need. Hair gets drier easily during winter, so you need to almost double up on moisture. Don’t feel shy to use that Moisture Boost Daily Spritz when your hair needs it. Carry it in your bag if needs be, but don’t drown your hair obviously. And remember to seal in that moisture with either your Intense Moisture Cream or Curl Defining Pudding, especially at your ends. In addition to all these moisture infusing products, True Curls has just launched a new Banana and Honey Clay Smoothie. Absolutely amazing!! (Review coming soon)

Wash regimen

Your wash regime during winter is very IMPORTANT, as it can introduce much needed moisture to your hair. This can be achieved through introducing pre-pooing to your regime by applying natural oils and/or conditioner before washing your hair. Use either the Growth and Strengthening oil or Dry & Brittle Hair Repair oil. You can leave it on for several minutes, have it on over-night.

Deep condition your hair: this is a very crucial step during winter as it will prevent dry hair, breakage and split ends. (I will cover how to master pre-pooing and deep conditioning in my next topic. Be on the lookout)

Protective hairstyles:

Seeing that hair is more vulnerable during colder conditions, especially the ends (honestly you must show your ends some love guys), protective styling will ensure that ends aren't exposed. So your Winter-go-to protective styles can be twists, box braids, weaves, crotchet braids, etc. Remember not to have your Protective hairstyle too tight or too heavy for your hair and scalp. And please refrain from micro twists/braids, STAY AWAY FROM THOSE!!! Lastly it doesn’t mean when you have a protective hairstyle that you have to completely ignore your hair, No sister. We keep to our regime. Wash every 7- 10 days and MOISTURIZE!

NB Don’t keep your protective hairstyle for longer than 6 weeks. This causes more damage.

Hats and Head wraps:

These are quite popular during winter, and we look super cute and great in them, don’t we? Be very wary, although they can act as a protective barrier for ends from the harsh winter conditions, they too can cause damage to your hair. Wear a silk scarf or cap underneath your head wrap and hat to protect against moisture loss and friction.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle:

Exercising and eating right tends to go out the window and we get sluggish during winter. We opt for eating junk food (fat cakes aka magwinya from that lady by the street corner) throughout winter and sleeping every chance we get. No!!! Always remember having a balanced diet, drinking water and exercising contributes to healthy hair growth as well as a healthy body and mind

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